Amber Trip Jewellery Art Competition 2024 Winners

The competition this year has been nothing short of inspiring, showcasing stories of identity, tradition, and human touch through exceptional jewellery art.

  • Grand Prix: “Am I Seen?” by Into Niilo – A powerful piece questioning visibility and identity in restrictive societies.
  • Best Amber/Jewellery: “Amber” by Babette von Dohnanyi – A homage to amber’s natural beauty, bridging past and present with its luminous design.
  • Best Object: “Tezure” by Indrė Armanavičiūtė – Exploring the impact of human touch on material, symbolizing connection and the marks we leave.
  • Public Voice: “Karalius Nuogas!” by Daina Vanagaitė Belžakienė – A satirical commentary on vanity and truth, challenging perceptions of power.